Author, Speaker and Mindset Coach
Sean Robinson is a thirty-nine year old Author, Speaker and Coach who focuses on self-improvement, mindset shifting and habit forming. He works in the construction industry, is a volunteer firefighter. and lives with his wife & three children in Ontario, Canada. Going Dry: My Path to Overcoming Habitual Drinking is his first book.
Author of Going Dry: My Path to Overcoming Habitual Drinking, about choosing to carve out a new lifestyle.
Public speaking about topics like sobriety, positive mindset and self-improvement.
Spreading the word about positive mindset and self-improvement through my TikTok and YouTube channel, podcast appearances and more.
About the Book

Going Dry: My Path to Overcoming Habitual Drinking
When COVID-19 shut down Canada and countries worldwide, Sean Robinson experienced a dark year. His drinking habit was one constant he could continue in an otherwise pandemic-disrupted routine. But at the beginning of 2021, he decided to make a change.
In Going Dry: My Path to Overcoming Habitual Drinking, Sean tells his story of choosing, one day and one month at a time, to carve a new lifestyle for himself. Despite growing up in a home where drinking was a normal part of life and being surrounded by constant social pressure to drink, Sean surprised himself and those around him.
The Be Better Broadcast with Brandon Eastman
Watch the video!Brandon and I talk about positive and healthy habits and how to get started changing your identity.
Simply Fit Podcast with Elliot Hasoon
Watch the video!"What led Sean to realizing that his relationship with alcohol was not a healthy one, and how can you spot this in yourself? How to deal with the social side of things, especially when you’ve been drinking for so long. What other things you can lean on whilst you’re transitioning away from alcohol and how to stick with this long term."
Think Unbroken Podcast with Michael Unbroken
Watch the video!"Sean takes us through his personal story, filled with inspiration and strategies for eliminating negative habits and embracing a more positive outlook. His transformational journey serves as a testament to the fact that anyone can change, and that it's truly worth the effort."
Living Fearless Today Podcast with Mike Forrester
Watch the video!"In this episode, you will be able to:
Uncover the Power of Self-Reflection for Personal Growth and Transformation.
Understanding the impact of your childhood environment on your behavior.
Break Free from Generational Trauma Patterns and Embrace Healing.
Embrace Sobriety and Personal Growth on Your Transformation Journey.
Explore the Importance of Self-Awareness and Introspection for Positive Change."
The Fallible Man Podcast with Brent Dowlen
Watch the video!"Having been surrounded by mostly men and in traditionally masculine dominant industries and environments, Sean felt that he had to be tough, be strong, show no weakness and suck it up. With a series of bad habits and attitudes created over a lifetime, Sean felt that he was just stuck being this person, that this was who he had to be and there was nothing that he could do to change it.
This was directly affecting his family. Yelling, impatience, lack of motivation and toxic masculinity was finding it's way home and Sean was becoming something he didn't want to be. It was affecting his relationship with his children and Sean knew there had to be a better way. How could he change?"
Day In Day Out Podcast with Muyiwa Adebiyi
Watch the video!"Sean and Muyiwa talk about how he overcame the pressures of going back to old habits and routines. Sean challenged himself to be sober for an entire year and shared this journal in his book Going Dry - My Path to Overcoming Habitual Drinking.
This challenge helped change his identity and become the person that he never thought he could be on his own and while still sober, he is encouraging others to remove the things in their life that may be holding them back as well."

In addition to being an author and creator, Sean also does public speaking on topics such as sobriety, self-development, positive mindset and habit forming.
Interested in having Sean speak at one of your upcoming events? Reach out using the button below and he'll be in touch within 24-48 hours.