Going Dry: My Path to Overcoming Habitual Drinking
When COVID-19 shut down Canada and countries worldwide, Sean Robinson experienced a dark year. His drinking habit was one constant he could continue in an otherwise pandemic-disrupted routine. But at the beginning of 2021, he decided to make a change.
In Going Dry: My Path to Overcoming Habitual Drinking, Sean tells his story of choosing, one day and one month at a time, to carve a new lifestyle for himself. Despite growing up in a home where drinking was a normal part of life and being surrounded by constant social pressure to drink, Sean surprised himself and those around him.
"Reading Going Dry has been more helpful in my life than I could have ever imagined. Sean's insight and vulnerability gave me the motivation I needed to kick some pesky bad habits that have been plaguing me for a long time"
"I found this book to be insightful, easy to read, and above all, inspiring. If you have any habits you're trying to curb, this book should come highly recommended. Can't wait to see what Sean's follow up effort will entail!"
"This book couldn't have come at a better time for me and I am so grateful for Sean for sharing his story and taking me along for the journey. Highly recommend you giving this a read!"
"What I appreciated most about Going Dry was Sean's approach and style. He found a way to tackle a really difficult subject in a way that was both relatable, and enjoyable to read. Kudos to Sean and anyone else carving out an upgraded lifestyle."
Literary Titan
"The honest and direct narrative will help those struggling with addiction to feel they are not alone in their battles. So often, we hear about people hitting rock bottom before making life changes; Sean Robinson shares his story, so others know they don’t have to hit bottom before they can make a positive change in their own lives."
Readers' Favorite
"This is not just a memoir where Robinson talks about his personal experience; it is much more. I believe this book is a guide for anyone with a similar problem and is particularly valuable for those who do not know how to resist pressure."
Frequently Asked Questions
Why did you want to write a book and share this with people?
It was never something I considered when I started this journey. I started journaling before I knew what I was doing and when I was almost to the one year anniversary of getting started, I felt there was someone that could benefit from it and decided to start creating a book from my journal.
How come the book is only 120 Pages?
I was never much of a reader, especially if it was a large intimidating book. I kept my old self in mind as I transferred this from a journal into something I could share. I felt that more people would feel comfortable reading it if it wasn't very long. Also, it is about the one year journey from my darkest and most confused point and too much filler could have hidden the message I was trying to give.
Is this book just about not drinking alcohol?
This book is not an attack on drinking alcohol. It is about making a transformation. Deciding to stop drinking is something I decided to do to start living a healthier lifestyle. This is about being consistent and confident. It is about the realization I made that I can change things that I thought made me who I was. That I can stop telling myself "this is just who I am and I can't change." If not drinking gave me the clarity to feel confident, it is my hope that the reader finds what might be the cause of their lack of confidence and gives them a push to get started on their journey of discovery.
So, you just decided to do this on your own and write a book?
Yes. I wasn't sure what I was doing when I started this journey. Whether it was more because I was too proud to ask for help, I didn't realize the extent of the issues or that I was supposed to be tough and "just deal with it", I convinced myself that the resources that are available weren't for me. This was a very dangerous mentality but it was programmed into me by many years working in the construction sector and in the fire department. The "tough guy" environment is very predominant in both of these cultures and something that was very difficult to change. Who I thought I was and how I thought I was to work through my issues was unfairly decided by the industries that I worked in. Through journaling, learning about the mind and becoming more comfortable with myself, I realized that my journal and my journey would help others. It would have helped my former self get started a lot sooner and with the right help.
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